Villagersonline : blogs : clrclady : Truth and being a bride
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From: clrclady
Date: Wed May 11 16:28:21 MST 2005 Subject: Truth and being a bride

NewRyan: No Subject (5/12/05)
NewRyan: No Subject (5/12/05)
Karen: The armor of God (5/12/05)
Responses (sorted by date)
Karen: The armor of God (5/12/05)
NewRyan: No Subject (5/12/05)
NewRyan: No Subject (5/12/05)
Ever since Sunday and proclaiming the truth that I do not deserve to have pain and suffering, I have been attacked. The lies that I do deserve that because I am so evil just lambasted me constantly. I was taught at a very young age of three that all I was made for was pain and destruction of my body. I perpetuated that lie for 26 years. There were moments were I did good things for myself and small moments of enjoying things, but mostly I spent my life shutting down and attacking my body in some form or fashion, i.e. cutting on myself, binge/purge eating, smoking, burning myself, etc. I spent a ton of energy keeping the craziness of the demons that I had welcomed into my life at a young age, my thoughts, and emotional pain under control. I remember several times telling people who had gotten close to me or writing that no one would ever be able to hurt me physically again as much as I could hurt myself. So, for the past six months, I have been trying to live into the life of play, enjoyment, excitement, pleasure, hope, freedom. I have had a bit of ups and downs and minor detachments, but it has been going well. So, being I was so severely attacked after voicing that I do not deserve to have pain. I wanted to proclaim some of the things that God has been showing me and proclaim that I was designed for good things and love, not pain and destruction.
My King, God, is enthralled with me and my beauty (Psalm 45:11). God’s love is better than life, better than anything that I can find anywhere else or in anyone else (Psalm 63:3). He desires that I be satisfied as with the richest of foods as I praise Him (Psalm 63:5). It is not common satisfaction, not just getting by; He wants me to be satisfied with glorious things, rich things, good things, to flourish as I cling to Him (Psalm 63:8). I am God’s bride, not alone, “for my Maker is my husband – the Lord Almighty is His name” (Isaiah 54:5). He has been continuously lavishing on good gifts. I was chosen by Him before the world was created not to be destroyed, but to become His adopted daughter (Ephesians 1:4-5).

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From: NewRyan
Date: Wed May 11 20:51:17 MST 2005 Subject:

Preach it sister! Thanks for letting us in on what you're going through. Take that list, stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself what's true. Darkness trembles when you do this.

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From: NewRyan
Date: Wed May 11 22:23:43 MST 2005 Subject:

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From: Karen
Date: Thu May 12 15:29:15 MST 2005 Subject: The armor of God

...well, sometimes, it might be a wonderfully soft robe that God wraps you up in. Don't let anyone take that away from you! Y'know what I'm a-talkin' about, Cheryl.

--the Warrior Princess

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